Step 3: Seven Step Lawn Care Program

Step 3: Seven Step Lawn Care Program

Late Spring is a crucial time to focus on weeds, grubs and insects to ensure a healthy lawn for the summer months. Do not stop fertilizing though as this will continue to provide your lawn the continued food source it needs.

Grubs are beetle larvae from a variety of beetle species that begin their life cycle in July. Within 2-4 weeks, upon the larvae hatching, they begin feeding on your lawns root system immediately. Grub damage appears on the surface as dead and browning grass that easily peels away because it has been eaten at its roots. Usually, this grass does not recover. The use of grub control now will help prevent the hatching of grubs in the summer and help preserve your lawn. If you wait until the initial signs of grub damage, it is too late.

The use of grub control in conjunction with your continued slow release fertilizer application will ensure a healthy dark green lawn for the summer months.

We hope these tips help you in keeping a green, grub and insect free healthy lawn. Please visit us again in the beginning of summer for our Step 4 tips for lawn care.

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